Best computer-based sampler for a Mac computer?
(too old to reply)
2005-02-27 10:06:24 UTC
What is the best computer-based sampler for a Mac computer?

I myself have a PC-based system, and have heard if GigaStudio for the
PC, but am considering getting a Mac system, and am not familiar with
the available options for Mac.

Thanks in advance.
HellPope Huey
2005-02-28 03:23:51 UTC
Post by fan
What is the best computer-based sampler for a Mac computer?
Post by fan
I myself have a PC-based system, and have heard if GigaStudio for the
PC, but am considering getting a Mac system, and am not familiar with
the available options for Mac.
I'm a serious Mac convert for several personal reasons I won't rant
about here, heh heh, but this little beauty is probably high on the list
of Serious Contenders. It compares very favorably with GigaStudio in
some key areas and it won't break the bank. If you have a modest G4 with
at least a gig of RAM, its viable and if you have a G5 with MORE, its
especially seductive.



HellPope Huey
Praise the Lord and pass the gallstones

God appoints our graces
to be nurses to other men's weaknesses.
- Henry Ward Beecher

"Every time Jesus shuts a door,
He opens a window."
"Yeah, so we have something to jump out of."
- "Saved!'

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