entempo spirit 20 mp3 player DONT BUY
(too old to reply)
2004-12-23 09:13:40 UTC
I bought entempo spirit 20GB mp3 player from softwareandstuff.com for
$139.I thought it would be a low cost alternative to an iPod or an
Archos, but this thing has several problems.

1. Once you plug it into your computer via USB, you will see it appear
in windows explorer as a new drive letter. You can copy songs directly
to it. The device's user interface, however, will not display the songs
by filename (like the archos) but rather by ID3 tags. Therefore all
your songs must have accurate ID3 tag info otherwise you will have a
hard time finding what you want. The user interface only displays
songs as indexed by the ID3 tag fields. Therefore, if you have
organized your music into subdirectories, this will be useless.

2 the user interface, even when operating correctly, is poor. I have
only 6GB loaded on this thing, about 1800 songs by several hundred
artists or so. Trying to scroll through the list of artists takes
FOREVER because the scrolling does not speed up if you hold down the

3. Playback is poor, I experience multiple "skips" with each and every
song I play

4. Response to button press is extremely poor: pausing, skipping to
the next tune, changing the volume, going to the menu ... attempting
this while a song is playing will often generate no response. it seems
that 9 button presses out of 10 will not work. seems that the software
does not handle button presses at all while accessing the disk.

5. The headphone jack appears to be cheap. using a known good pair of
headphones, I experienced signal loss often unless the plug was
inserted and positioned perfectly. sometimes I would have to twist it
around several times to get it right.

6. The recording quality is 8 bit and sounds pretty lousy.

7. the device is supposed to be shock-resistant, but I found it to be
incredibly shock vulnerable. just picking the thing up off the table
while a song is playing caused it to freeze up and stop responding, and
even stop playing the song !!

8. Generally, in light of points 4 and 7 above, the behavior of this
thing is very unpredictable

Unfortunately, softwareandstuff.com (otherwise known as
surpluscomputers.com) does not offer refunds. all sales are final with
them and they will only replace merchandise for identical merchandise
if it is defective. I would love to get my money back on this thing
because I am very disappointed.

the "about" screen on the device lists the current revision as "0.020"
I tried the firmware update (v1.57) and that changed the revision
code to "0.023 This did not produce any improvement.

I welcome any response from entempo.com or surpluscomputers.com
technicians if they care to refute anything I have said here.
2004-12-24 00:30:19 UTC
I just got my entempo today through Surplus Computers and the thing
does not work!! I turn it on and all i get is a picture of a sad face
with a picture of an ant next to it! The thing is bulky but I didn't
let that bother me, but when I tried turning it on, then I thought,
"what a piece of shit"! Not worth my time and money! Do not buy!
Post by c***@yahoo.com
I bought entempo spirit 20GB mp3 player from softwareandstuff.com for
$139.I thought it would be a low cost alternative to an iPod or an
Archos, but this thing has several problems.
1. Once you plug it into your computer via USB, you will see it appear
in windows explorer as a new drive letter. You can copy songs
Post by c***@yahoo.com
to it. The device's user interface, however, will not display the songs
by filename (like the archos) but rather by ID3 tags. Therefore all
your songs must have accurate ID3 tag info otherwise you will have a
hard time finding what you want. The user interface only displays
songs as indexed by the ID3 tag fields. Therefore, if you have
organized your music into subdirectories, this will be useless.
2 the user interface, even when operating correctly, is poor. I have
only 6GB loaded on this thing, about 1800 songs by several hundred
artists or so. Trying to scroll through the list of artists takes
FOREVER because the scrolling does not speed up if you hold down the
3. Playback is poor, I experience multiple "skips" with each and every
song I play
4. Response to button press is extremely poor: pausing, skipping to
the next tune, changing the volume, going to the menu ... attempting
this while a song is playing will often generate no response. it seems
that 9 button presses out of 10 will not work. seems that the
Post by c***@yahoo.com
does not handle button presses at all while accessing the disk.
5. The headphone jack appears to be cheap. using a known good pair of
headphones, I experienced signal loss often unless the plug was
inserted and positioned perfectly. sometimes I would have to twist it
around several times to get it right.
6. The recording quality is 8 bit and sounds pretty lousy.
7. the device is supposed to be shock-resistant, but I found it to be
incredibly shock vulnerable. just picking the thing up off the table
while a song is playing caused it to freeze up and stop responding, and
even stop playing the song !!
8. Generally, in light of points 4 and 7 above, the behavior of this
thing is very unpredictable
Unfortunately, softwareandstuff.com (otherwise known as
surpluscomputers.com) does not offer refunds. all sales are final with
them and they will only replace merchandise for identical merchandise
if it is defective. I would love to get my money back on this thing
because I am very disappointed.
the "about" screen on the device lists the current revision as
Post by c***@yahoo.com
I tried the firmware update (v1.57) and that changed the revision
code to "0.023 This did not produce any improvement.
I welcome any response from entempo.com or surpluscomputers.com
technicians if they care to refute anything I have said here.
2005-03-17 06:29:05 UTC
alright well i officially have lost all faith in the future of my country
if all adults are this pitiful... i mean come on a sad face- duh! ITS NOT
CHARGED YET YOU IDIOT! try getting the metal plug with the long cord
attatched to it and plugging it in for a bit... maybe if you can find how
to use that you'll realize the entempo has a long lasting battery- (10
hours) unlike the ipod's 2. oh wait it doesn't have a battery- that means
when all your friends are paying 120 dollars to have their battery fixed
by ipod all you would have to do is plug yours into the wall... if you can
handle it. okay so you have to change your id tags if you aren't retarded
that should take all of 5 minutes. i changed all 4000 of my songs on my
computer in under that so i think even the mentally challenged could
handle it in under 10. as for the earphones. yeah i don't like the kind
they give you, but wanna know why "simple earphones" don't work... because
you know how it has that recording device unlike most mp3 players... yeah
that means that they have a double connection going through the cord so it
has a different kind of plug in. try using the earphones they give you or
another one where the metal plugin has the same amount of black rings
going down it, that means it has the same connection process. its really
not all that hard. recording quality... ITS AN MP3 PLAYER- by the sond of
you two genius' america has come to the point where a simple
inconvenience, as in your mp3 player doesn't play unless is charged or the
wrong earphones don't work, can cause catastrophes. i hope either you find
a way to get over the heartbreak or go out and get an overpriced ipod like
every other bandwagon ignorant in our country.

as for me my entempo spirit is amazing-i'm so glad to have it and the
sound quality is amazing. i love that i don't have to charge it very often
its so nice for trips. Also its loud and the playlist set up and drag and
drop qualities are great! plus i don't have to pay a dollar a song to
listen to it!

