Post by W Kennyplus it's got a roundel on it. :-)
Post by Frank AdamWow, a 256Mb disk ! Anyone here remember the 10MB disks in the XT ?
Hm, that could hold about 64 average songs at CD quality. Not bad
really and the price is reasonable. I do wonder if an optional
amplifier is available with a thigh strap though.
Well, this wanders off topic, but you can use a CMoy amplifier. They're
usually homebrews, and very easy to build if you are handy with a soldering
iron, but you can find some really well done ones on eBay. Including ones
built into Penguin candy tins.
I've not only dealt with these guys but I got one of the watches. The
company's good people to deal with and the watch totally rocks. I'd
say both issues are no surprise, considering it's all BMW.
The one shortcoming of the watch as an MP3 player is that you, while
can set up playlists, you can't really skip between them. The next
and previous buttons only go 1 song at a a time, so you have to push
the forward button a few time to get to the start of the next
playlist. A minor inconvenience for having my fav's with me at all
times, however.
As to the optional amplifier, leads to the question of shoulder
mounted speakers (hmmm, where to put the sub-woofer?)
I would consider replacing the included ear-buds with a regular
headset but that's just because I have trouble wearing earbuds
generally. Also, it would be really nice if this interfaced with the
car like the ipod does.