What P2P software works?
(too old to reply)
2004-06-20 19:53:17 UTC
I've wanted to download a few songs but haven't done so in a while.
I've tried to get Kazaa, 2findmp3free and the like but all I get is a
bunch of spyware. Does anyone know of a good spyware-free P2P that I
can get? Thanks
2004-06-24 07:16:05 UTC
Post by kurt
I've wanted to download a few songs but haven't done so in a while.
I've tried to get Kazaa, 2findmp3free and the like but all I get is a
bunch of spyware. Does anyone know of a good spyware-free P2P that I
can get? Thanks
SoulSeek. http://www.slsknet.org


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